Friday, July 1, 2011

daily letters,2011

Premiada con Madrid Procesos 2011/awarded the price Madrid Procesos 2011 Madrid, 19th to 26th of July.
In this public intervention, the artists from daily services (Maria Linares&rosa mesa) offered their services as scribes. Offering free paper, free envelops, free stamps and the chance to serve as a scribe for the passerbys, daily services worked for a week in Madrid writting letters in the streets. The project tried for a week to revitalize the practice of handwriting almost extinguished after the arrival of new technologies.
Intervención pública en la que las artistas de daily services (María Linares y rosa mesa) ponen a disposición del público sus servicios como escribientes. Las artistas ofrecen a los transeuntes la posibilidad de enviar una carta escrita a mano a un ser querido de forma gratuita, que ellas llevan al correo. daily services pone a los transeuntes en contacto con la escritura caligráfica y la profesión del escribiente, extinguida ya en casi todo el mundo debido a la expansión de redes digitales de comunicación.

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About the artist/Sobre la artista

   The artist/la artista   rosa mesa art has been of a multidisciplinary nature from its begginnings exploring multirud of subjects and ...