Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bye bye Berlin, 2011

Presented at Alucine Video and Film Festival, 2011 (highlight) Mute

Director: daily services (Maria Linares, rosa mesa) Genre: video art Duración: 3:53 Sipnosis: “¿Has pensado qué ocurriría si todos los inmigrantes decidieran irse del país que los agoge y que tan poco los valora? Mientras partidos políticos populistas recogen votos atacándoles o utilizándolos en sus campañas electorales, ellos han decidido abandonar Berlín.” "Have you ever thought about what could happen if the immigrants, fed up with the lack of appreciation they have received, would decide to go back to their homeland? While populist political parties attack them to improve their chances in elections, they have decided to leave Berlin."

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About the artist/Sobre la artista

   The artist/la artista   rosa mesa art has been of a multidisciplinary nature from its begginnings exploring multirud of subjects and ...